My DC Summertime Bucket List
It’s the first day of summer! I can hardly believe it, to be honest — this year is just flying by — and while I don’t love the sometimes unbearable heat that we get here in DC, I’m determined to make this my best summer yet. I wanted to share a few of my bucket list items in hopes that it will inspire you to get out and try a few new things, even if you don’t live in DC! To me, there is nothing better than sharing in new experiences and adventuring out of my comfort zone and trying new things. I’m holding myself accountable to do all of these things before the leaves start to change this Fall — what’s on your list this season?!
1. Go hiking in Great Falls Park
I love following my friend Alexandra’s (@tallulahalexandra) hiking adventures and I’m determined to wake up one morning and find a new trail to explore in Great Falls. It’s always 10 degrees cooler in the shade of the park, so I’m thinking it might be the best way to spend time outside even in the brutal summertime heat.
2. Try a new workout class
I get sucked in to my own workout routine (yoga + Orange Theory Fitness), but find myself wanting to switch things up and get out of my comfort zone every once and a while. I have my eyes on Madabolic and Cut Seven — any other suggestions?
3. Go kayaking or paddle boarding on the Potomac River
I’m ashamed to admit that even though I live just a few blocks from the Key Bridge Boathouse, I have yet to kayak or paddle board on the river — determined to change that this summer!
4. Ride bikes down to Jazz In The Garden with a picnic
One of the most quintessential summer activities in DC, I’m determined to make it at least once to Jazz in the Garden. My goal is to pack a picnic, a bottle (or two!) of rose, and camp out early for some music and quality time outside.
5. Host a dinner party using seasonal ingredients
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but I want to have some friends over for a big meal to celebrate all of the beautiful summer produce we get here in the Mid-Atlantic. Complete with twinkly lights, of course!
6. Beat the heat with a visit to a new museum
I still haven’t made it to every Smithsonian in DC, so instead of beating the heat in my own air-conditioned home this summer, I want to spend an afternoon exploring a couple of new-to-me spots downtown.
7. Bike ride to the monuments at sunset
At the end of last summer, Blair and I kept talking about how we regretted not riding our bikes more often, so we are determined to pull them out of storage and keep them out the entire summer season. Even if it’s just a short jaunt around the neighborhood once a week, I’d call it a win!
8. Visit a natural swimming hole
Did you know that just outside of DC there are natural swimming holes that you can hike to?! I’ve had this article bookmarked for two years and can’t wait for a little adventure!
9. Attend a Nationals’ baseball game
We’ve already been twice this season, but it’s doesn’t get more festive than a warm summer night at the baseball game.
10. Make a new flavor of dairy-free ice cream
We bought an ice cream maker last year and I’m pretty obsessed with it — I’ve made a lot of different, but simple flavors over the course of the year, but I have my eyes set on a few more adventurous flavors (strawberry basil or mint mojito, anyone?) this time around!
p.s. we already checked one of these off of the list, which was berry picking (you can see our photos from that here)! I’m so happy we finally drove out to the farm and made it happen — maybe we’ll head back later this summer for peaches!