Friday Favorites, Vol. 12

Happy First Day of Fall!

We are on our way down to Florida for Blair’s Family Reunion this weekend — I’m excited for a little bit of time on the beach and in the sunshine before the inevitable chill of fall starts to hit us here in DC. I must say, it’s been super warm here this week and I’m genuinely ready for Fall — bring on the oversized sweaters, boots, and soups! Reminding myself to live in the moment and enjoy the warmth before I start to crave it in a few months.

I thought it would be fun to share a few things that I’ve been up to this week in addition to my usual Friday Favorites below.

I helped to throw a baby shower last Saturday at my house for my dear friend, Michelle, who is due next month with her first baby! We had an avocado toast bar, mimosa bar, the most delicious apple crisp, and lots of girl time! I can’t wait to meet him/her (I think it’s a boy, she thinks it’s a girl)!


I’ve been working every weekend leading Yoga Teacher Training at my studio the past 12 weeks, so I gave myself the day off on Monday to enjoy a very indulgent spa day thanks to The Emerald Door in Silver Spring — I will do a full recap of this soon along with an interview of Sara (pictured above), the organic aesthetician that gave me a facial!


Celebrated our anniversary with a brutal (and super fun!) workout at Cut Seven — our favorite workout to do together aside from yoga.


Spent quite a bit of time at home on client calls and working on some fun events coming up this fall and winter — always need to have a matcha in hand for a little extra brain boost! (my matcha recipe is here and I just pour it over ice when I want it cold)


Now on for a few things I’ve found across the interwebs this week:

one: so excited about this new purchase on it’s way to my doorstep right now!

two: I stopped shopping at Whole Foods when Mom’s Organic Market opened up near us last year and, after reading this articleabout the changes that Whole Foods will undergo, I’m happy I made the switch!

three: Philly is one of my favorite cities to visit and we just booked a quick weekend trip to stay here this Fall — every single room looks like heaven!

four: I had a long conversation with a friend after we both read this article and felt like it so accurately described our own experiences

five: need to try this recipe! I’m so much more of a cake person than an ice cream person, but I don’t do well with grains so this recipe is a dream come true. I also pre-ordered Laurel’s cookbook coming out next spring!

six: Did you guys see Girls’ Night In’s rebrand — I’m obsessed! If you’re not already in, you can sign up for the newsletter here.

seven: I started dry brushing again and am so glad I did — it’s so beneficial for detoxification, digestion and circulation and I think it feels great. You can learn how to dry brush here and buy one for yourself here.

eight: tried out a new-to-us restaurant with some friends and basically cried tears of joy because the meal was so spectacular. a must visit in DC!

Happy Weekend!