“For months, I had not been feeling my best — unexplained weight gain, severe acne, forgetfulness, lethargy, poor digestion, and the list went on. I had a feeling that these symptoms were all connected, but was overwhelmed by all the information online about how to treat them. Katie taught me how to introduce simple changes slowly and helped me narrow down what really works for my body. I learned a ton about healthy eating habits and the food industry, and working with Katie has really shaped the way I cook and buy food. But more importantly, Katie showed me how closely mental and physical health are linked. The habits she encouraged to manage stress—like morning routines, meditation, and maintaining a clean space—ended up becoming the cornerstone of my physical wellness, too.
After three months, Katie helped me reach a few amazing, tangible results. I lost over ten pounds. My skin is completely clear. And after months with my hormones totally out of whack, my blood tests came back perfectly in balance. I can’t recommend Katie highly enough!”