Chicken & Vegetable Soup for the Soul
There is something about this cold and gray weather that makes me want to curl up into a ball and hibernate big time. Because we have so much holiday travel ahead of us in the next 6 weeks, I've been trying really hard to cook at home as much as possible before we're out of our own kitchen. I originally intended on making a "chicken zoodle soup" recipe that I posted about for my Whole30 Meal Plan earlier this week, but in all honestly, I really didn't feel like spiralizing zucchini, so instead I subbed out the zucchini for baby potatoes (my favorite!) and sort of just made it up as I went. This is, hands down, one of the best soups I've ever made and I plan on making it all winter long!
I had meal-prepped earlier in the week after grocery shopping and ended up roasting a whole chicken which I know may seem way out of the question for some of you, so if that's not your speed, pick up one of those whole rotisserie chickens at your grocery store and use that instead!
1 rotisserie chicken or roasted chicken breast, shredded
1 bag of baby potatoes
1 bunch of celery, chopped
1 bunch of carrots, sliced into rounds
2 16-oz. containers of free-range chicken broth
1 yellow onion,
1 tbsp. rosemary
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1. heat up coconut oil in a large cast iron dutch oven or soup pot (I have and love this one)
2. add in chopped onion and a pinch of sea salt and sautee until slightly translucent
2. add shredded chicken breast and rosemary, onion, oregano and basil
3. add potatoes, carrots, celery and chicekn broth and bring pot to a rolling boil for 5 minutes
4. turn heat down to low and let simmer for around 30 minutes
Happy soup weather!