Grain-Free Zucchini Banana Muffins


I had so many requests to share this delicious and super easy recipe for these zucchini muffins I baked over the weekend, so I wanted to share it here before I forget!

The recipe is one that I found on Ambitious Kitchen so I can’t take any credit for the measurements, but dang! These were so simple (one bowl and virtually no clean-up!) and my husband basically ate the entire batch in 2 days flat. I had a few extra zucchini in the fridge and just really didn’t want to roast/bake/sautee/spiralize them like I normally do so I searched high and low for a recipe that had really simple and clean ingredients I already had on hand.

I had so many requests to share this delicious and super easy recipe for these zucchini muffins I baked over the weekend, so I wanted to share it here before I forget!

The recipe is one that I found on Ambitious Kitchen so I can’t take any credit for the measurements, but dang! These were so simple (one bowl and virtually no clean-up!) and my husband basically ate the entire batch in 2 days flat. I had a few extra zucchini in the fridge and just really didn’t want to roast/bake/sautee/spiralize them like I normally do so I searched high and low for a recipe that had really simple and clean ingredients I already had on hand.



1-2 zucchinis
1/2 cup mashed banana
3/4 cup nut butter (I used cashew butter)
1/4 cup raw honey
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. sea salt


1. preheat oven to 350 degrees F
2. grate the zucchini with a cheese grater or food processor
3. once grated, squeeze excess water out of the zucchini using either a paper towel or your hands
4. mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl
5. pour mixture into lined muffin tin
6. bake for 20-25 minutes or until muffin top is golden brown

*recipe makes 10 muffins