Recipe Roundup vol. 1

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I can't believe we're already halfway through January! Between spending my first week of the year on vacation, to immediately getting sick and spending all of this past week in bed recovering, I am way behind on all of my plans and to-do's that I set out to accomplish when I came home from Hawaii. 

Regardless, I have some fun things planned this year when it comes to my little corner of the internet and I'm excited to share them with you! What I learned last year is that, while I love the idea of blogging regularly, it's just not for me. Who knows, maybe that will change in time, but for right now my energy and focus is directed more towards hosting workshops and working with my health coaching clients. I do, however, have one blog series that I'm excited for, which will be released every Sunday - The Recipe Roundup! (I also release a newsletter every Sunday for those that subscribe with event announcements, favorite podcast episodes, etc. - you can sign up on the bottom of this page!)

One of the questions I get asked most frequently is "what do you cook?" or "what are some easy meals to make at home?". I know that slaving away for hours in the kitchen is pretty torturous for some people and I, like most, don't love to spend more than 30 minutes making dinner every night. That's why, every Sunday, I'll be sharing my dinner meal plan for the week. I'm currently trying to clean out some of the stuff in my pantry that has been sitting on my shelf for months (i.e. random cans of beans, dried lentils, rice, etc.) so that I can be a little more resourceful and use up what we already have. 

Here is what we'll be cooking this week: 

Sunday: Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup 
Monday: Chicken Soup 
Tuesday: Butternut Squash & Black Bean Tacos 
Wednesday: Chickpea, Sweet Potato & Spinach Curry
Thursday: Chimichurri Potato Tacos  

You can follow me on Pinterest, where I'm always pinning and saving new recipe ideas!