Recipe Roundup vol. 2
I am having so much fun sharing these Recipe Roundup's here! Meal planning and grocery shopping is one of my very favorite activities each week and I had a few of you reach out last week to let me know that you had made a couple of the recipes I shared in volume 1 which made me so happy. After two months of living without an oven, we finally had a new one installed this week, so I am very excited to get back to roasting and baking again.
What I learned during those two months without an oven, though, is how incredible one-pot and crockpot meals can be. The majority of my cooking lately has been really simple and has either had virtually zero clean-up or takes under 20-30 minutes to prepare (sometimes both!) which has been a major win for my busy schedule. We are still in the thick of winter this month, so these recipes are still very much warming foods that yield plenty of leftovers for the next day's lunch.
So, here is what's on my menu this week:
Sunday: Crockpot Lentil Soup
Monday: Asian Chopped Chicken Salad
Tuesday: potato, pepper and kale frittata (based on this recipe) and a side salad
Wednesday: Crockpot Thai Chicken Curry
Thursday: Flank Steak with Chimichurri with Roasted Vegetables and a side salad
Friday: Green Pesto Pizza (I buy this crust at the grocery store and make at home without cheese!)
What are you cooking this week? If you have any recipes you love, please send them my way so I can try them out at home!